个人简历:李亮,1968年9月生,教授,理学博士,硕士生导师。1995年12月获得南京大学化学系理学硕士学位,同年被分配到江苏师范大学化学化工学院工作,主讲《物理化学》、《物理化学实验》、《电化学原理》和《应用电化学》等课程。2001年9月考取山东大学物理化学专业表面电化学方向博士研究生,从事腐蚀电化学方面的研究,2002年10月到2003年9月赴加拿大阿尔伯特大学化工与材料系留学。2004年12月获得博士学位,2010年评为教授。2006 年被评为江苏省“青蓝工程”骨干教师,2010年被评为江苏省“青蓝工程”学术带头人。2010.10 -2013.4分管学院教学工作;2013.4至今担任江苏省功能材料绿色合成重点实验室副主任。近年来主持和完成国家自然科学基金项目2项,在Corrosion Science,Electrochemistry Communication 和Electrochimica Acta等电化学和腐蚀电化学高水平期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇。论文被别人引用的总次数为100余次,单篇论文引用次数为16次。
1. 电化学反应过程界面和表面的变化过程;
2. 数字全息在金属腐蚀研究中的应用。
2001年09月- 2004年12月: 山东大学物理化学专业博士研究生;
1992年09月- 1995年11月: 南京大学化学系硕士研究生;
1985年09月- 1989年07月: 南京大学化学系本科生。
1. 核电镍基合金应力腐蚀过程中表界面动态变化的研究, 国家自然科学基金项目(21972059), 60万,2020.1-2023.12,在研。
2. 磁场作用下电极/溶液界面动态过程的研究国家自然科学基金项目(21173180),60 万,2012.1-2015.12, 已完成。
1. L. Li, J.L. Luo, J.G. Yu, Y.M. Zeng, B.T. Lu, S.H. Chen, Effects of hydrogen on current oscillations during electro-oxidation of X70 carbon steel in phosphoric acid, Electrochemistry Communications, 2003, 5: 396-402.
2. L. Li, S. -H Chen, X. -G Yang, C. Wang, and W.-J Guo, Pitting corrosion induced current oscillations during electrodissolution of Al in HClO4 solutions, J. Electroanal. Chem. 2004, 572:41-49.
3. Liang Li, Shenhao Chen, Hongtai Wu, Haitao Cui, Chaotic, mixed-mode and periodic oscillations during electro-oxidation of copper in trichloroacetic acid, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 2004, 69: 33-42.
4. L. Li, J.L. Luo, B.T. Lu, S.H. Chen, Effect of interface chloride ion perturbation on oscillatory electrodissolution, Electrochim. Acta, 2005, 50: 3524-3535.
5. Liang Li, Chao Wang, Shenhao Chen, Investigation into designed current oscillations during anodic dissolution of Al in NaCl+NaNO2 solutions, Electrochim. Acta, 2007, 53: 1655-1662. (SCI影响因子:2.848)
6. Liang Li, Chao Wang, Shenhao Chen, Xuegeng Yang, Boyu Yuan, Hengli Jia, An investigation on general corrosion and pitting of iron with the in-line digital holography, Electrochim. Acta, 2008, 53: 3109-3119. (SCI影响因子:2.848)
7. Liang Li, Chao Wang, Boyu Yuan, Shenhao Chen, Numerical reconstruction of digital holograms for the study of pitting dynamic processes of the X70 carbon steel in NaCl solution, Electrochemistry Communications, 2008, 10:103-107.
8. Liang Li, Chao Wang, Shenhao Chen, Xianmin Hou, Investigation of pitting of aluminum induced by chloride ions with the holographic microphotography, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 2008, 73(5): 561-568.
9. Liang Li, Wenjing Wang, Chao Wang, Shenhao Chen, Effects of an applied magnetic field on the anodic dissolution of nickel in HNO3 + Cl- solution, Electrochemistry Communications, 2009, 11:2109-2112.
10. Liang Li, Chao Wang, Han Lu, Anodic dissolution of the X70 steel in H3PO4 solution with the Halide-Ion Perturbation at the Interface, Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 104, 295-301.
11. Xuegeng Yang, Shenhao Chen, Liang Li, Chao Wang, Digital holographic study of the effect of magnetic field on the potentiostatic current oscillations of iron in sulfuric acid, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2006, 586: 173-179.
12. Xuegeng Yang, Shenhao Chen, Chao Wang, Liang Li, Effect of the microenvironment on the potentiostatic-current oscillation of iron electrode in sulfuric acid solution, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2006, 42(5): 491-496.
13. Boyu Yuan, Shenhao Chen, Xuegeng Yang, Chao Wang, Liang Li, Mapping the transient concentration field within the diffusion layer by use of the digital holographic reconstruction, Electrochemistry Communications, 2008, 10, 392-396.
14. Min Zeng, Chao Wang, Liang Li, Designed oscillations of the Fe/H2SO4 system with the flow injection in the partially-closed environment, Electrochemistry Communications, 2009, 11: 1888–1891.
15. Boyu Yuan, Chao Wang, Liang Li, Shenhao Chen, Real time observation of the anodic dissolution of copper in NaCl solution with the digital holography, Electrochemistry Communications, 2009, 11: 1373–1376.
16. Yuan Yuan, Liang Li, Chao Wang, Yongyan Zhu, Study of the effects of hydrogen on the pitting processes of X70 carbon steel with SECM,Electrochemistry Communications, 2010, 12: 1804–1807.
17. Boyu Yuan, Chao Wang, Liang Li, Shenhao Chen, Investigation of the effects of the magnetic field on the anodic dissolution of copper in NaCl solutions with holography, Corrosion Science, 2012, 58: 69-78.
18. Xiaoping Wang, Jiajia Zhao, Yongpan Hu, Liang Li*, Chao Wang, Effects of the Lorentz force and the gradient magnetic force on theanodic dissolution of nickel in HNO3+ NaCl solution, Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 117:113-119.
19. Rui Liu, Min Zhang, Qinghua Meng, Boyu Yuan, Yongyan Zhu, Liang Li*, Chao Wang*,Oscillations of pH at the Fe│H2SO4 interface during anodic dissolution, Electrochemistry Communications 2017, 82:103-106.
20. Huanjie Yu, Caixia Li, Boyu Yuan, Liang Li*, Chao Wang*, The inhibitive effects of AC-treated mixed self-assembled monolayerson copper corrosion, Corrosion Science 2017, 120: 231–238.
21. Xijiao Li, Min Zhang, Boyu Yuan, Liang Li,* Chao Wang,* Effects of the magnetic field on the corrosion dissolution of the 304 SS│FeCl3 system, Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 22: 619-626.
22. Rui Liu, Min Zhang, Qinghua Meng, Boyu Yuan, Yongyan Zhu, Liang Li*, Chao Wang*,Oscillations of pH at the Fe│H2SO4 interface during anodic dissolution, Electrochemistry Communications 2017, 82:103-106.
23. Shuaibin Liu, Yu Shao, Changqi Yan, Boyu Yuan, Liang Li*, Chao Wang, Effects of the magnetic field on the anodic dissolution of Ni│H3PO4 + KSCN system, Corrosion Science, 2020,169: 108614.